Policies and Procedures


Standing Orders are the written rules about how the Parish Council operates. They set out how meetings are conducted and can contain details on other organisational, administrative or procedural matters. Financial Regulations set out how the Parish Council operates in all financially related matters. The relevant documents can be viewed from the links below.

Data Protection

The Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) set out the legal framework for how businesses and organisations in the UK, hold, use and protect personal data relating to clients, residents, customers etc. The legislation sets out the lawful reasons why an organisation can hold personal data about an individual and the individual’s rights over that data. In accordance with the legislation Tolleshunt Major Parish Council needs to be accountable for how it holds and handles personal data and the relevant policies are set out below.

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides public access to information held by public authorities. It does this by allowing members of the public to request information and through a requirement for public authorities to publish certain information. The information which Tolleshunt Major Parish Council routinely makes available and where that information can be viewed or obtained is set out in our publication scheme which can accessed from the link below.

Staffing and Operational Policies

Other policies, procedures and protocols which the Parish Council maintains are set out below.

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