
Welcome to the website of Tolleshunt Major Parish Council

St Nicholas Church
Village Green and The Beckingham Bell Pub
Beckingham Hall Gatehouse
Playing field
Main road through the Village
Snow scene with St Nicholas Church
Countryside around the Village

Tolleshunt Major is a small village about five miles north east of Maldon in Essex. It is situated on the northern bank of the River Blackwater.

The Tolleshunt group of villages (Tolleshunt Major, Tolleshunt D’Arcy and Tolleshunt Knights) grew up in the area settled by the Saxon Chief Toll. The name Tolleshunt Major (or Mauger) was granted by King Henry VIII to Stephen Beckenham in 1544. The gatehouse and walls to Beckingham Hall can still be seen.

About the Parish Council

Parish Councils are the first tier of Local Government in that they have the closest links to the local community. They are democratically elected and have a range of responsibilities which can include recreation facilities, allotments, burial grounds, public buildings, bus shelters, signage, bye-laws, litter bins and rights of way among others. They raise funding through the Council Tax.

Tolleshunt Major has seven members who are elected to provide a democratic voice for the local community. The parish area of Tolleshunt Major has a population of around 700 people. It covers the following area

Have your say

If you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions about the village or anywhere in the parish area then please contact one of the Councillors or the Parish Clerk (contact details are here).

There is also a Public Session held just before the commencement of each Ordinary Meeting. If you you wish to speak in the Public Session then please contact the Parish Clerk.

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